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Mykonos is one of the most famous Greek islands and a fantastic place to visit. Summer holidays in Mykonos are loaded with fun and excitement, extravagant and joyous, with a whisper of mischief in the air. Aside from its outstanding beaches, Mykonos is also famous for its incredible cuisines.

Discovering something about the traditional cuisine of Mykonos is a perfect way to enjoy an electrifying summer trip to the island. As for several great Greek islands, the choice of products and dishes available in Mykonos is strongly connected to the healthy, mouth-watering Mediterranean diet that flecks the country.

When you arrive at Mykonos, its matchless supply of clubs and bars, its vibrant nightlife and the huge selection of sparkling, sandy beaches can mesmerize you.

The most unexpected thing here is the culinary treasures that await covered between the cobbled, whitewashed streets of the island. Treasures that the Mykonian gastronomy extravagantly offers its visitors and locals consist of age-old recipes and detectable local products that have raised generations upon generations of Greeks.

The lavish dining experiences in Mykonos generally take benefit of the rich bounty of seafood existing in the Mediterranean. Still, you might be surprised to see that many of the most traditional Greek recipes well-known to locals are meat-based.

Mykonian cuisine has a long heritage with striking features of olive oil, cheese, and fresh vegetables. The island also has several mouth-watering sweet dishes and desserts.

Popular foods in Mykonos


Admired for its aromatic and spicy flavors, cheese from Mykonos “Kopanisti” pairs well with mezedes (Greek tapas) and wine. It’s a delicate, soft cheese that has undergone a two-month maturation procedure. A fungus forms when the cheese is aged, resulting in a flavorful cheese with a rich texture and aroma. When served as an appetizer before delving into a hearty Greek main dish, kopanisti goes exceptionally well with tomatoes, bread and wine.

The most delicious Meze in Mykonos

Like the Venetian ‘cicchetto’ or Spanish Tapas, these small dishes are generally served with alcoholic drinks and ouzo. They are yummy and easy to eat. Meze is the local dish of Mykonos.

The most liked and loved Kopanisti is a bit of spicy, creamy cheese made from goat milk. Xinotyro is typically sour, but the intensity of the taste relies on the maturing time; the longer, and the better.

Tirovolia is a soft cheese with a milder taste built in a shorter maturing time. It is usually used for preparing pies. Apart from cheese, there is two meze that you must try. The first one is Mostra. Have you ever tried the Italian “bruschetta”? Mykonos has its unique version. Preparing a Mostra is very simple: a rusk is seasoned with olive oil, tomatoes, kopanisti cheese and sometimes capers and olives. So easy, tasty and satisfying!

The second one is Louza. It seems like dry-cured ham, and it is prepared from pork. The salt is sprinkled over the bit and left for 24 hours, then boiled and flavored and left in the sun to dry. The perfect way to enjoy this form of cheese is by cutting it into very thin slices.

The Greek Classics

  • Souvlaki – a mouth-watering, full of flavors barbecue treat. Vegetables and meat are grilled on a skewer. This is particularly made for kids.
  • Pastitsio – often known as “Greek lasagna,” Pastitsio is a baked dish of ground beef and pasta. The fusion of spices used in its preparation adds terrific flavors to it that you can’t miss at all.
  • Moussaka – a trendy and traditional Greek classic dish, this dish is made from béchamel sauce and eggplant baked in the oven. The delicious creamy flavor makes Moussaka an unforgettable dish.

Best Seafood in Mykonos

It’s obvious that seafood has a unique place in the traditional cuisines of Mykonos. From the top-rated restaurants to the simplest tavernas, the catch of the day is used to prepare delicious dishes. From sautéed shrimps, anchovies, stewed or grilled octopus are just some famous dishes. One catch that’s pretty interesting is the parrotfish. This is one of the few fish that can be wholly eaten. It is roasted and served with the entire intestine.

The classic Greek dishes

Greek food is amazing. Obviously, in Mykonos, you can taste many of the most traditional Greek dishes. Apart from Moussaka and Pastitsio, Gyroz is another amazing dish. It is more like a fragrant pita bread wrapped around roasted vegetables and meat, seasoned with the Greek sauce made with yogurt, some fresh tzatziki, garlic, cucumber, olive oil and salt.

Desserts in Mykonos

Are you a sweets lover? The typical cuisine of Mykonos has cookies, confectionery and desserts. The most loved dessert is, obviously, the greek Baklava. Honey, chopped nuts and pastry are mixed to create this super yummy calorie bomb. You can’t go to Greece and not try it. But if you are concerned about the diet, bring a box back home with you as a souvenir and share it with your family.

Still, one of the most traditional sweet products of Mykonos is the almond cookies “Amygdalota.” They look like tiny teardrop-shaped balls wrapped with powdered sugar. They look hard, but in reality, they are soft. It’s easy to find them in the bakeries all through the island. Greek foods are lavish, enriched with aroma and spices and share many ingredients and flavors with the Italian one.

Wrap Up!

Mykonos is the world’s renowned place for its natural beauty, wild nightlife and gorgeous landscapes. Aside from all these things, Mykonian cuisine is another highlight imprinted in the hearts of those fortunate enough to explore it. Reflecting the exquisite principles of the Mediterranean diet, the local cuisine only uses top-quality products blended with care and love. The outcome is always magical. Chefs of Mykonos offers a massive selection of dishes from the well-known Mykonian cuisine. Starting early in the morning at the buffet, guests may enjoy sumptuous, mouth-watering dishes of the local and international cuisine at Mykonos. Don’t miss out on the outstanding opportunity to taste pure Mykonian delicacies prepared with love and mastery of our culinary team. Every bite will satisfy your taste buds and sweet tooth.

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